All spill kits are different and your spill kit may contain more materials than those detailed in this document. All employees should be familiar with the location and contents of all spill kits and the procedure(s) to be followed in the event of a chemical spill. Training should include practical skills! Emergency contact information should be posted near or included within the spill kit/spill kit procedure.
Step 1: Protect yourself!
Open the spill kit and put on the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) within including gloves, googles, and apron.
Step 2: Respond
Small spills:
Place absorbent pads or granular absorbent on the fluid or anywhere needed and allow them to soak up the fluid.
Large spills:
Protect drains and other sensitive areas by placing booms or snakes around them, and then place at the forward edge of the spill. Then place absorbent pads or granular absorbent on the spilled fluid.
Step 3: Clean-Up & Contact
Once absorbent materials are saturated and the spill has been complete absorbed, dispose of them in the garbage bags in your spill bag. Use a broom and dust pan to collect granular absorbent for disposal. Disposal of this waste may be governed by federal, state, and local regulations depending on the chemical spilled and amount.
Assure that the person at your business responsible for health and safety is aware of the accident
Step 4: Prepare for the Future
Replace the consumable equipment (PPE, absorbent materials, garbage bags) in the spill kit so you are prepared in the future.
The Final Notes:
Emergency spill response is an important part of a company’s safety and health program. Well-prepared companies have a plan of action and keep the appropriate cleanup supplies on hand. A spill kit is a collection of absorbent materials to be used to clean up spills from oil, hazardous chemicals and even water. Spill kits are developed so that a prompt response and clean-up may be performed. The most important aspect when choosing a spill kit is to ensure that you have the correct spill kit for your needs. A spill kit that is right for the job will help minimize risk to protect employees and the environment. Choosing spill kits that have adequate absorbent capacity ensures minor spills don't turn into environmental disasters. A proper spill control program can create a safe and productive work environment for your employees in addition to protecting our environment. What size or absorbent capacity of spill kit do I choose? Spill kits should be chosen to cope with the most likely event, not necessarily the total amount of liquid present. The kit should also have adequate absorbent capacity for the type & viscosity of the liquid present (eg: gear oil absorbency will be approximately double than that of diesel). All of our spill kits are realistically rated for viscous liquids.